In competition with growing economic and profit-making information, companies, banks, insurance companies, and various organizations are responsible for avoiding corruption and the resulting financial, data protection and market security of their own, for the use of certain employees, mainly managers or trusts a different system of conflicting conflict rules is defined.
The conflict of interest rules required to fill the given position will be signed and signed by the employees concerned in the form of a contract, in most cases the "Conflict of Incompatibility Statement" will be completed, and the veracity of the statements stated in the declaration will be preceded by a temporary and periodic check.
I will also carry out an operational, discretionary control of compliance with the conflict of interest rules already established or under construction by the company you are led by, your company (mainly middlemen, senior executives, and trusted employees).
Contrary to the constraint of the study of conflicts of interest and environmental studies, there are no fixed elements, mandatory subjects to be checked (recommended only), are defined by conflict of interest rules that are necessary for entering into an employment relationship between the employer and the employee.